7 Houseplants You Can Grow In Water – No Soil Needed

7 Houseplants You Can Grow In Water – No Soil Needed 2

Discover the world of soil-free gardening with our guide to growing houseplants in water. Perfect for those looking to add greenery without the mess, we introduce seven stunning varieties that thrive in aquatic environments. Embrace a clean, low-maintenance approach to indoor gardening and enjoy the beauty of these plants in a new way.

Soil-free gardening not only reduces mess but also brings multiple benefits like improved air quality and a chance to observe the fascinating root systems up close. Our guide simplifies the setup process, detailing everything from plant and container selection to nutrient provision, ensuring your water-based garden prospers, regardless of your gardening experience.

Benefits of Growing Houseplants in Water

When you choose to grow houseplants in water instead of soil, you can enjoy numerous benefits. This section will highlight the advantages of water-grown houseplants, including easier maintenance, improved air quality, and the ability to showcase their beautiful root systems.

Let’s explore these benefits in detail:

  • Easier Maintenance: Water-grown houseplants require less upkeep compared to their soil-based counterparts. With no soil to water and fertilize, you can spend less time on plant care tasks and enjoy the simplicity of a water-based system.
  • Improved Air Quality: Houseplants are known for their ability to purify the air, and water-grown plants are no exception. As they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through their roots, the surrounding air becomes fresher and more oxygen-rich.
  • Showcasing Beautiful Roots: One unique advantage of water-grown houseplants is the opportunity to display their intricate and fascinating root systems. Without soil covering the roots, you can observe their growth and appreciate the natural beauty beneath the water’s surface.

Exploring these benefits further, let’s take a closer look at each advantage:

Easier Maintenance

Growing houseplants in water eliminates the need for regular watering and soil fertilization. This simplified maintenance routine can be a game-changer for individuals with busy schedules or those looking for low-maintenance plant options.

Simply replenish the water as needed and provide occasional nutrient supplements, ensuring your water-grown plants thrive effortlessly.

Improved Air Quality

Houseplants are known for their air-purifying capabilities, enhancing the indoor air quality by removing toxins and releasing fresh oxygen.

Water-grown houseplants effectively contribute to cleaner and healthier surroundings, making them an excellent addition to any living space. With their efficient root systems absorbing pollutants, you can breathe easier and enjoy the benefits of cleaner air.

Showcasing Beautiful Roots

The absence of soil grants the opportunity to showcase the beautiful and intricate root systems of water-grown houseplants. These fascinating displays add a unique aesthetic element to your indoor garden, with roots extending gracefully in the water.

From delicate tendrils to vibrant root formations, water-grown plants offer a mesmerizing visual experience that adds interest and beauty to your home.

How to Start Growing Houseplants in Water

Interested in growing houseplants in water? It’s a unique and rewarding way to bring greenery into your home. Follow these simple steps to set up and care for water-grown houseplants.

Choose the Right Plants

Not all plants thrive in water, so it’s important to choose the right ones for this method of cultivation. Look for plants that have naturally adapted to water environments, such as Pothos, Philodendron, and Spider Plants. These plants are known for their ability to grow well without soil.

Select Appropriate Containers

Once you have selected your plants, it’s time to choose the right containers. Opt for clear glass or plastic containers that allow you to observe the root growth.

Mason jars, glass bottles, or vases make ideal choices. Ensure the containers are clean and have adequate drainage by adding pebbles or marbles at the bottom.

Select the Right Type of Water

The type of water you use plays a crucial role in the success of water-grown houseplants. Filtered or distilled water is recommended as it removes harmful chemicals and minerals that can hinder plant growth.

Avoid using chlorinated or hard tap water as it can cause damage to the roots.

Provide the Necessary Nutrients

While water alone can sustain some plants, providing essential nutrients is crucial for their overall health and growth. One way to do this is by adding a balanced liquid fertilizer specifically designed for hydroponic plants. Follow the packaging instructions for the correct dosage and frequency of application.

Plant Light Requirements Water Temperature
Indirect sunlight, low-light tolerant
Room temperature (around 70°F)
Indirect sunlight, low-light tolerant
Room temperature (around 70°F)
Spider Plant
Bright, indirect sunlight
Room temperature (around 70°F)

Now that you know how to set up your water-grown houseplants, it’s time to enjoy the benefits of this unique cultivation method. Stay tuned for our next section where we will introduce you to the best houseplants to grow in water.

Best Houseplants to Grow in Water

Are you intrigued by the idea of growing houseplants without soil? Look no further! In this section, we will introduce you to seven amazing houseplants that thrive in water.

These beauties not only add greenery and ambiance to your space, but they also eliminate the hassle of dealing with potting soil. Discover their unique features, care requirements, and propagation techniques.


Pothos, also known as Devil’s Ivy, is a popular choice for water culture. With its heart-shaped leaves in various shades of green, it adds a touch of elegance to any room.

Simply place a pothos cutting in water, and it will develop roots within weeks. Keep the water clean and change it every two to three weeks to ensure optimal growth.

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo is not only a symbol of good fortune but also a stunning water-grown houseplant. It thrives in a vase filled with clean water and requires minimal care.

Keep it out of direct sunlight and rotate it occasionally to ensure even growth. Remember to change the water every two to three weeks to maintain its health and vitality.

Peace Lily

Known for its elegant white blooms, the Peace Lily is a classic choice for water culture. This plant thrives in a water-filled container, where it can develop strong and healthy roots.

Keep the water level consistent, ensuring that the roots are always submerged. The Peace Lily is fairly low-maintenance, making it a perfect choice for beginners.

Spider Plant

The Spider Plant is not only a visually striking houseplant but also an excellent choice for water culture. Its long, arching leaves adorned with white stripes bring a touch of elegance to any space.

Place the plant in a container filled with clean water, ensuring that the roots are partially submerged. Change the water every two to three weeks, and your Spider Plant will thrive.

Chinese Evergreen

The Chinese Evergreen is a versatile and resilient plant that adapts well to water culture. Its dark green foliage with silver markings adds a touch of sophistication to any room.

Place the plant in a vase partially filled with water, ensuring that the roots have access to moisture. Change the water every two to three weeks to keep the plant healthy and vibrant.

English Ivy

If you’re looking for a trailing plant that thrives in water, the English Ivy is an excellent choice. Its lush, green leaves cascade down, creating a stunning display.

Place the ivy cutting in a container filled with water, making sure the roots are submerged. Change the water every two to three weeks, and watch your English Ivy flourish.

Snake Plant

The Snake Plant, also known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, is a hardy plant that can thrive in both soil and water. Its sword-like leaves with bold yellow edges make for an eye-catching addition to any space.

Place the plant in a vase filled with water, ensuring that the roots are submerged. Change the water every two to three weeks to keep your Snake Plant healthy and vibrant.

Tips for Maintaining Water-Grown Houseplants

Owning houseplants that grow in water requires specific care and attention. By following these essential tips, you can ensure that your water-grown houseplants remain healthy and vibrant.

1. Monitor Water Quality: Regularly check the water pH levels and ensure it remains within the optimal range for your specific plants. Use a pH testing kit to maintain the ideal conditions for growth.

2. Prevent Root Rot: To prevent root rot, it’s crucial to change the water every two weeks or whenever it appears murky. Ensure that the roots are clean and free from any decaying matter.

3. Provide Adequate Light: Even though these plants do not require soil, they still need adequate light to perform photosynthesis. Place your water-grown houseplants in a location where they can receive bright, indirect sunlight for several hours each day.

4. Add Nutrients: While water contains some nutrients, it’s important to regularly supply additional nutrients to your plants. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer, diluted according to the packaging instructions, to support healthy growth.

5. Maintain Temperature and Humidity: Water-grown houseplants thrive in a stable environment. Keep them away from drafts and extreme temperature fluctuations. Additionally, maintain a moderate level of humidity by misting the leaves with water or using a humidifier.

By following these care tips, your water-grown houseplants will continue to flourish, bringing beauty and greenery to your home without the need for soil.

Swiss cheese plants come in a variety of species, each with its own unique characteristics. Here are some popular varieties:


Q: Can any houseplant be grown in water without soil?

A: While most houseplants require soil for proper growth, there are specific varieties that can thrive in water alone. In this article, we will introduce you to seven houseplants that can be grown in water without the need for soil.

Q: What are the benefits of growing houseplants in water?

A: Growing houseplants in water offers several advantages. Firstly, it simplifies maintenance as there is no need to worry about soil moisture and fertilization. Additionally, water-grown houseplants can enhance the air quality in your home and showcase their beautiful root systems.

Q: How do I start growing houseplants in water?

A: To start growing houseplants in water, you need to choose suitable plants, select appropriate containers, use the right type of water, and provide essential nutrients. Our guide in this section will walk you through the process, helping you set up and care for your water-grown houseplants.

Q: Which houseplants are recommended for water culture?

A: We have curated a selection of the best houseplants that thrive in water. Some popular options include pothos, lucky bamboo, peace lilies, and spider plants. Each plant comes with its own unique care requirements and propagation methods, which you can learn about in this section.

Q: How do I maintain water-grown houseplants?

A: Maintaining water-grown houseplants involves specific care techniques. In this section, we will provide you with invaluable tips to ensure the health and vitality of your no-soil plants. From monitoring water quality to preventing root rot, you’ll learn the best practices for keeping your water-grown houseplants flourishing.

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